Thursday, December 24, 2009

Better Living Through Improv

On my website....(not this blogsite) I have written "Better living through improv." What that means to me is that I do improv, and encourage others to do improv to improv their lives and improv the peoples lives around them. It is not a path I travel for fame or noteriety. I do improv and teach improv for the joy it brings me and others. If other people dont understand it, or judge me for it, so be it. They can waste their lives chasing a monetary goal or an illusionary status, and leave this world unhappy. I dont think anything is wrong with success, money or fame in themselves...but as a byproduct, not as a main goal. I want to be happy, I want the people in my life to be happy.
People may never understand your reasons for doing things altruisticly...but thats okay. keep doing what you know is right.
Without mentioning the particulars, im engaged in something right now that I know is right, and it makes me happy, and it makes other people happy. Some people in my life dont understand why I am doing it. Thats okay. Maybe thats what makes me different, and I shouldnt fault them for not seeing the world as I see it. It takes all of us in life to enrich eachother and give contrast to eachother.
If you are doing something altruisticly out of the goodness of your heart, and some people take atvantage of your kindness...thats on them. it doesnt change the good intentions that you had-or the good karma you are generating :)
I know-this blog entry is a little bit coded and random. I hope it reaches someone who needs to hear the message, however rambling and vague it may seem.
Happy Holidays

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the improv FROG podcast by Chili B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.