Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Great stand up set in Las Vegas

I had a great time at the live show on May 23rd downtown Las Vegas. I performed a fifteen minute stand up set. All in all every single joke was well received except ONE. But you dont know me too well if you think I would let that sleeping dog lie. I put some extra stank on that dead dog, til I recessutated it back to life, and salvaged that dead joke with some impromtu physical comedy.
The improv group that performed on the show was smoking hot that night. There was a hip hop group that rocked the house, and the entire show was technically savvy. there was a live video feed that went out over the internet.
Anyway...hope to do it again soon.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

NEW episode posted

Episode 15 is now available.
I start out the show making a sort of "confession". I am just trying to fulfill my promise of being more revealing of my personal life.

Then we have an injection of culture into the show...where we listen to some Shakespeare.

new episode coming soon!

Holy crackers! Do you know how long it takes for a dim-wit like me to edit a single podcast?
I've been doing it for awhile, and I have only now whittled it down to THREE days!
It hurts my brain, it makes me cranky, but it has to be done, and it's all worth it in the end.

I am happy to present this upcoming was a labor of love, and I hope you will enjoy it. It will be posted in a few days from now (crossing my fingers.)

As a side note: does anyone else's boss at work get on their nerves as much as mine is right now?

Thursday, May 06, 2010

NEW twitter account

Although I have yet to understand HOW to use it...I just opened up a new Twitter account.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

New Podcast May 05th 2010

In the latest podcast I make a recommendation of ANOTHER podcast you might want to listen to. I will let you listen to a saved copy of a podcast called "FIRST TIMERS." You may like it.
Creative Commons License
the improv FROG podcast by Chili B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.